


Ivan L. 哈勒尔,二,博士.D.总统 

Ivan L. 哈勒尔二世., Ph.D.现任澳门威尼斯人在线赌场第11任校长 (太极拳). 他对社区大学教育充满热情. 哈勒尔竭尽全力 day to lead a group of professionals in providing the best environment, programs and 服务学生需要完成他们的学术和职业目标.

在加入TCC之前,Dr. Harrell最近担任执行副总裁 学术 & 乔治亚皮埃蒙特技术学院学生事务处. 在乔治亚·皮埃蒙特之前, he served as the Vice President of Success at Lone Star 大学, Dean of Student Affairs 安妮阿伦德尔社区学院学生事务协调员. 萨根特 Reynolds Community 大学, and Assistant to the Vice President at Tallahassee Community 大学.

Dr. Harrell has written or co-written a number of scholarly articles and book chapters. He has also served as a presenter at numerous local, regional and national conferences 和研讨会. 他最引以为傲的是他在提高学生成功方面所做的工作 of color, particularly Black men, first-generation college students, as well as students 谁来自传统上被边缘化的背景. 

Dr. 哈勒尔完成了他的哲学博士学位.D.在佛罗里达州立大学, where he defended his award-winning dissertation, titled, “Using Student Characteristics to Predict the Persistence of Community 大学 Students 招收ed in Online Courses.” 他拥有硕士学位.Ed.),并获得了学士学位 (B.A.).

奥伯林(Oberlin)是俄亥俄州的本地人. 哈勒尔是第一代学生 塔拉哈西社区学院的职业生涯. 受到多样性的启发, 他在塔拉哈西遇到的聪明、勤奋的学生. 哈雷尔决定 奉献他的职业生涯来推进社区大学的使命. 他的目标,作为一个更高 教育 leader, is to support as many community college students possible to achieve 他们的学术和职业目标.




Patty McCray-Roberts recently joined TCC’s leadership team as Vice President of Administrative 2020年4月的服务. 该职位是该公司的首席财务官 college and provides the vision and leadership to the essential support areas that 增强制度活力. Patty strongly believes in the value of higher 教育 in its ability to transform lives; the life of the student and the lives of their family for generations to come. 作为低收入的第一代大学毕业生他获得了B,亲身经历了这种转变.社会学A 她是爱达荷大学政治学硕士.B.我是西部州长学校的 大学. 帕蒂是一个终身学习者,目前正在学习她的B.S. 在会计 at Western Governor’s 大学, with the goal of attaining her Master’s 在会计 和她的C.P.A. 很快. 帕蒂在财务和预算方面有丰富的经验, strategic planning and assessment, facility and capital construction, emergency management, 书店运营、人员和策略创建. 协作创新 作为领导者,帕蒂在工作中取得了许多成功 制定成功的组织策略. 在加入TCC之前,她担任 as the Director of Facilities Planning and Operations at Peninsula 大学 for over 12 years, where she led the development of the facility master plan and the comprehensive emergency management plan which contributed to the completion of two major capital 并获得学院三项认证表彰.  在TCC,她成功了 led the college through a robust budgeting process and is the lead for the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 恢复计划.




Adopted from Seoul, South Korea and raised in Hawaii, Tamyra moved to Tacoma to work as the neighborhoods/parks/housing reporter for The News Tribune, after interning 在太平洋西北部的报纸上. 五年后,她离开了新闻业 led internal communications in health care, before  joining TCC in 2015, as its Director 市场推广及传播学. 她于2019年成为执行董事,副总裁, 《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》,2023年6月. Tamyra负责市场营销和传播; 政府关系和社区关系. 被描述为一个联系人,一个领导者, a mentor, and a person who is passionate about communications and relationships, Tamyra believes that at the end of the day, what matters most are the people she serves and 她如何支持共同的目标来改善澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的社区. 她相信TCC的学生 and the important work the employees do to help students achieve their dreams. 一个产品 of the community college system, Tamyra understands the struggles and triumphs our 面对学生,并致力于他们的成功. 她是从波特兰社区转过来的 大学 to earn her journalism degree from the 大学 of Oregon, and later, as 作为一名在职家长和专业人士,她获得了M.A. 领导与沟通 来自贡萨加大学. 她目前在华盛顿大学系任职 并教授公共关系与社会.



玛丽莎·施莱辛格, 教务长,负责学术事务的副校长

玛丽莎R. Schlesinger began in her role as TCC’s Provost and Vice President of 学术 2019年9月的事务. 这个领导职位是首席学术人员 officer of the college, providing the vision and leadership for the college’s 教育al 以合作和公平的方式开展项目.

Schlesinger is a product of public K-12 教育 and was raised in Brooklyn by a mother and grandmother who were public educators and community college graduates. 她得了B.A. 《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》,出自史密斯之手 大学,她的M.A. 她是多伦多大学的优等生.B.D. 在博士 古埃及文明的研究. 她在大学学院学习埃及学 London and lectures on ancient Egyptian art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY.

A student-centered and equity-minded leader, Schlesinger joins TCC after having served as Associate Dean of Curriculum and First-Year 项目 at Guttman Community 大学 在纽约市. 在此之前,她在哈佛大学的教职员和行政部门工作了13年 纽约布鲁克林的金斯堡社区学院. 玛丽莎是最近的校友 the Aspen Institute’s Presidential Fellowship for Community 大学 Excellence. 她 has served as resource faculty at the Washington Center’s National Summer Institutes and, separately, has worked with dozens of community colleges across the country, helping them focus on change for the improvement of equity and student learning, completion, 转移和劳动力市场结果.




Karl Smith entered higher 教育 after finishing the master’s in teaching program at the 大学 of Washington and deciding to take a year off from teaching. 他的 professional career started in 2001 on the frontlines of admissions recruiting as the African American Outreach Coordinator for the 大学 of Washington Seattle, 为塔科马社区服务. 间隔年变成了一生的激情. 通过 hard work, innovation, a data-informed approach, and a student-centered philosophy, a career on the frontlines turned into 19 years of progressive service in public higher 教育.



Mr. Morrison joins TCC after serving as the Senior Associate Director of Diversity, 股本 & 西雅图大学法学院录取通知书. 他获得了英语学士学位 from the 大学 of Michigan and his JD from the 大学 of Illinois 大学 法律的. Mr. 莫里森是伊利诺斯州的执业律师,曾任职 in various teaching and administrative capacities at the 大学 of Michigan, 大学 现在是西雅图大学.

Mr. Morrison has a strong passion for social justice and equity and has attended the Annual Meeting 法律的 School Diversity Professionals Conference for several years. He is a member of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE),并每年参加NADOHE会议. 2019年,. 莫里森是 inducted into the inaugural National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Ujima Institute where he received intensive training regarding working in Student 高等教育中的事务和DEI.


帕特里克•布朗 招生主任 & 学生的成功
戴尔·科尔曼 图书馆院长 & 学习创新
吉莉安爱德华兹 护理学副院长
杰森·帕克 留校主任 & 学生的成功 
金长颈瓶 创意艺术、文学和传播学院院长
奥尔加Inglebritson 吉格港校区院长 & 继续教育
教育和社会事务临时主任 & 行为科学
玛丽·简·奥伯霍夫 商学院院长,律师助理 & 技术
克里斯托弗·威利• 数学、科学和工程学院临时院长